Current Scheduling Links Below

Potential Client Scheduling Links

Initial Family Law Zoom Link

This will be for all initial family law consults that are to be done via zoom
Right now, Nick Atkins is doing the initial family law consults
She is the Client Engagement Specialist

Initial Family Law In-Person Link

This is for the initial family law in-person consults. 
The different links have different instructions

Initial Family Law - Phone Call

This is for the initial family law in-person consults.  The different links have different instructions

Initial Bankruptcy Consult - Zoom

This is for the initial bankruptcy Zoom Consults.
The different links have different instructions

Initial Bankruptcy in person

Nick's initial meeting for BK in person

Initial Bankruptcy - Phone Call

James Family Law Zoom Link (Strategy Session, longer client meetings

Initial Personal Injury Zoom Link

This will be for all initial personal injury consults that are to be done via zoom
Right now, Joe Frick is doing the initial family law consults 

Initial Personal Injury - in Person

Existing Clients Scheduling Links

David Bartels Initial Strategy Session - In Person

David Bartels Initial Strategy Session - Zoom

Lerca Guipe

Joe Frick - Zoom

Initial Intake Form

Family Law

Personal Injury
